美国促销礼品协会ASI(AdvertisingSpecialtyInstitute®)是一个为广告专业服务的营利性组织,总部在美国东部的PA,是全球最大的促销产品行业组织。其类似于国内的阿里巴巴,慧聪等电商平台,只是ASI指向的行业更具体,礼品,促销品,快速消费品,工艺礼品等等都包含在内,英文也就是Promotional products,ad specialties。
ASI的成员包括促销商品的制造商和供应商以及促销产品分销商,例如Howard Roe Gift Solutions。 ASI的主要业务是在目录中组织和分类供应商的产品,以便促销产品分销商和销售人员轻松参考。双方均以高额费用加入ASI。
About ASI
Advertising Specialty Institute® (ASI) is the promotional product industry’s largest membership organization offering media, technology, marketing and education to help cultivate success and community. We strive to provide a culture of support and care with the best service, products, education, research and content available to help our members succeed, every step of the way.
Promotional products make up a $22.9 billion industry. Why is the industry thriving? Because logoed items like hats, T-shirts and bags are traveling advertisements that leave a lasting impression, making them crucial for building brand awareness.
The industry is made up of suppliers who create, source and imprint products, and distributors who then creatively market and sell the imprinted products to their clients who use them to promote their business. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, schools, hospitals, charities and small businesses.